Case Study - Standardized Tests

BRIO is the scientifically based solution platform for improving school performance, intended for students, parents, teachers, schools and other institutions.

Web development, Cloud Services

BRIO tests are standardized tests, through which Romanian students from grades I-XII can objectively evaluate their knowledge of the main school subjects and improve their performance in exams.

An ordinary test, corrected by the same person who made it, is not the most relevant criterion to determine the level of a student.

A student's grade on these types of tests is inevitably influenced by the mildness or severity of the grader, as well as the difficulty of the questions and the degree of subject coverage.

Furthermore, two students who get the same grade on an identical test
may have very different deficiencies.


to solve

Standardized tests play a vital role in meeting the educational needs of students in several ways. First and foremost, these tests provide a standardized measure of student performance, allowing teachers to gauge the effectiveness of their instructional methods and curricula. By identifying areas of strength and weakness, standardized tests enable teachers to tailor their teaching strategies and interventions to meet the specific needs of their students.

This individualized approach helps students receive targeted support and guidance to enhance their learning outcomes.


Finding a solution for standardized tests requires careful consideration of alternative assessment methods that balance objectivity, fairness, and student well-being while measuring essential skills and knowledge accurately.

Together with the project owners we agreed on the idea of developing an standardized tests platform where there are multiple types of profiles: meditation center, teacher and student.

For payments, the platform is based on a credit system.


  • Bootstrap
  • Vue.js
  • Laravel
  • PHP
  • Cloud Services
  • AWS

Finished Tests


BRIO is the scientifically based solution platform for improving school performance, intended for students, parents, teachers, schools and other institutions involved in the educational act in Romania through standardized school tests, literacy tests or digital literacy tests.

BRIO tests are standardized digital tests, through which Romanian students from grades I-XII can objectively evaluate their knowledge of the main school subjects and improve their performance in exams.
school account

School account

School account can add new classes, teachers and students. Associations can be made between them.

School account can view, track and export student results on school tests, literacy tests and digital literacy tests. The tests are automatically generated based on the selection made by the teacher who starts the test for the students. After the student completes the test, the test is scored and an evaluation report is generated.

teacher account

Teacher account

Teacher account can add new classes and students. Associations can be made between them.

Teacher account can view, track and export student results on school tests, literacy tests and digital literacy tests. The tests are automatically generated based on the selection made by the teacher who starts the test for the students. After the student completes the test, the test is scored and an evaluation report is generated.

teacher session
math example

Math example

Standardized tests for math aim to evaluate students mathematical proficiency, problem-solving abilities, and conceptual understanding, providing a standardized measure of mathematical knowledge and skills.

Math tests are written in mathjax and automatically generated by teachers based on the difficulty and the number of items.

E.g. Math exercise, grade XII.

literacy example

Literacy example

Literacy tests reflect a person's ability to relate to a text.

The competent reader understands and interprets the text – even on the first close reading – in detail and nuance, uses the information in it, evaluates its ideational content and its form, reflects on it and interacts with it to achieve its goals, enrich its knowledge and amplify its potential, as well as to participate in the life of society (OECD, 2018).

E.g. Literacy exercise, grade V-VIII.

digital literacy example

Digital Literacy example

Digital Literacy tests measure students skills related to interaction with different digital devices and programs.

BRIO Digital Literacy tests are developed in accordance with European standards related to digital skills and are based on a state-of-the-art statistical technology - Item Response Theory, being standardized and digital tests.

E.g. Digital Literacy exercise, grade V-VIII.

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  • Blvd. Gheorghe Șincai, 15B
    Bucharest, Romania.
  • RO +40 720 136 603
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